Jun 2019 — Apr 2020
Apr 17, 2020 • 2712 minutes
We're delighted to be joined by Worthy Brother John Watts, Grand Sword Bearer of the Order of the Secret Monitor.
Mar 30, 2020 • 1933 minutes
Welcome to the first episode of our new series, Beyond the Craft. In this episode, we're joined by Illustrious Knight Adrian Jarvis, Divisional Marshal for the Division of East Anglia to tell us all about the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Dec 4, 2020 • 5122 minutes
We were honoured to be invited to attend the Open House event at Freemasons' Hall this year, hosted by the United Grand Lodge of England.
Jul 10, 2020 • 1817 minutes
In light of the joint statement from UGLE and MMH on Masonic Meetings being able to resume in England and Wales, Neil, Taz and Jack jumped on Zoom to discuss what going back to Lodge in this 'new normal' might be like!
May 3, 2020 • 1697 minutes
Neil, Taz, Jack and Josh jumped on Zoom for nothing more than a quick catch up on how they're all doing!
Oct 31, 2019 • 4172 minutes
We finally made it. Episode 10. And this is the big one, the Royal Arch episode you've ALL been waiting for!
Jun 7, 2019 • 4077 minutes
It's been a while since we sat around the table with a bottle of vino, so for this episode, we're just having a good old catch up!
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